10 Ways in which I am a Nerdby Dorky-lope

1. I just got a new mouse because my old one made my blood pressure rise everyday to the point that I wanted to to throw the mouse across the room, cursing and stomping on it. And I AM JUST SO HAPPY WITH MY NEW ONE! Why did I wait so long to replace it?!

2. I walk into art supply stores and promptly start sniffing really loud. (I try to take in all the sharpened pencil and fresh paper smells with one whiff.)

3. Purchasing a new ink color to use makes me happier than going to Disneyland.

4. I sometimes save scrap papers I've used as blotters because I think they're pretty.

5. Last night I kissed a book because it taught me something new...something new like the difference between a sedimentary and a transparent colors.

6. I like to blow my nose REALLY LOUD in restaurants and bookstores. I can silence a room with this schnoz.

7. I think any kind of ledger where you fill in the little spaces made up of thin lines are lovely.

8. I say things like Holy Night! and Holy Macaroni!

9. I wear bright pink miniskirts over my jeans because I think it's cool (and secretly I love getting weird looks from suit-wearers).

10. I collect stamp letter sets.

And you thought you were bad...

*** p.s. On a completely serious note: everyone who commented on yesterday's post or sent me an email...Thank you so much. It's so nice to feel like other people get it.


