Leaving the Harbor

“A ship in harbor is safe, but that is not what ships are built for.” I love this quote. I’ve loved it since I first encountered it, and I love it even more now that it’s been there for me, giving me a timely push (gust of wind?) at pivotal times in my life. These words and this idea have reminded me to listen for when the winds are shifting. 

It happened when I left my first job out of school, resigning from the ad agency where I started out. I did a little illustration of these words on a sheet of paper, carefully penciling in the letters as I quietly wondered whether I was crazy. I walked into the office where my creative directors worked, slid it across the desk, and surely averted my eyes as they read it. 

I loved working in that “safe harbor.” And I loved learning from the smart and talented people around me. I loved the friendships I’d made during the years I worked and grew there. (I also loved having regular paychecks and health insurance!)

But the sea was calling. I was deeply inspired by the illustration I saw other people doing, and hopelessly intrigued by the question of whether I, myself, could do it too. I couldn’t not try it. I knew that if I didn’t, I’d always wonder, “What if?”
So — and this was before I’d passed my resignation doodle to the bosses — I studied the tides, doing lots of research. My partner and I battened down the hatches, saving up a nest egg of money in case I didn’t make any. And then, of course, knowing the next step would be sink or swim, I leapt! And over the many triumphs and challenges that would follow, I never regretted it. Not once. 

Perhaps that’s why I listened again, a handful of years later, when that same shifting wind beckoned me to study Yoga. By then I’d found another harbor in illustration, and deepened my love for it, even as I heard this second calling to explore the world beyond. I set sail again, and loved every minute. Learning the philosophy of yoga redirected my artwork — shaped my whole life going forward, in fact. Yoga handed me a map to a healthy and strong body and a more peaceful and compassionate mind. It’s become part of my daily rhythm — the asanas, pranayama and meditation (movements, breathing and reflection) keeping me steady and centered. I was and am immensely grateful to this philosophy, and longed to share it with others through my art. With firm intention, I set out to attract work with like-minded collaborators. We found each other. That’s been my business for a long time now.

So here I am today. Happily harbored. And lo and behold, the wind is calling once more. Now I hear it loud and clear, inspiring me to chart a new course and study Ayurveda. This ancient wellness system is something I’ve studied on my own for years — reading tons of books, talking with numerous practitioners, and continually experimenting with the concepts in my own life. Like with illustration, and like with yoga, the more I’ve learned, the more it’s made me want to keep going. To sail onward. Like, enroll-in-school onward. And I’ve done it! 

Once again in my life, and against all expectation you would’ve heard if you’d asked me about this all those years ago, I am now officially a student. I’m enrolled at Kerala Ayurveda Academy, and, as you can probably tell, SO excited!! I get to grow my awareness, deepen my understanding, and sail a whole new ocean of wisdom. Ahoy! 

And in the quiet moments, when the seas are calmer, I get to reflect. Ideas shimmer in and out of focus, hinting at ways to blend my passions, uniting Art and Ayurveda. It fills me with a sense of possibility and purpose. I feel like I’m practically glowing every time I think about it! I can’t wait to share more when the time is right.

But for now, I’m here. Raising the sails. Heart open and leaving the harbor, once again, on a new adventure.


Ayurveda memorization - illustrate it!


France this September!