family backbone

My Sacred Life: Day 9

You know you have a good family when they sacrifice their vacation time to do 3 days of back-breaking work to help you out. You put out the distress call and immediately they are there... hammers, nails, drills, paint-brushes, and senses of humor in hand. It was like an Amish barn raising -- everyone pitching in with the work but also having fun... I am truly blessed. Thank you so much, guys, for being there for us when we needed you. The fact that I can say: "I knew you would be" is really amazing to me.

Everyone is home or en-route there now, and the house is done. Quiet. Peaceful and still. Complete. (Complete is a beautiful word, isn't it?) And now I have a ton of work to catch up on (if your workload ever slows down, do something completely different and stop paying attention to it, and you'll get more jobs than you can handle... I'm thinking that old adage about a watched kettle never boils.) So I better get to drawing... have a good weekend, friendly friends!

* * * *

Five more days to submit your monster for the Monster Mash. I think 30 or so more were submitted this week. Lookin' good, creators. :)


2 more monster days left!


monster mash update