
You will be on solid ground soon. Soon. You will remember to look up at the stars soon. Soon. You will be enjoying it all again soon. Soon. Hang in there and just take little baby steps. One task at a time. One day. One hour. One moment. One breath.

You are not required to be perfect or put on a good show. You don't have to keep it all together all the time. And if you start to fall apart at the seams, quietly excuse yourself and remember that what you are doing/feeling/thinking right now is really really ok. Even if it looks like other people are living magic while you're in the middle of desert quicksand.

And you... you are a powerful thing. You feel it all deeply. You think independently and solidly. You got good bones that hold you strong, even if everything else is liquid around them.

You are good. You are mighty. And you are whole.


Baby bump - 14.5 weeks


baby bump - 13 weeks