veda is four years old

Veda :: Newborn How she went from this incredibly tiny newborn to this tall, smart little girl in four short years is beyond me. I can hardly believe it.

Veda :: Four Years Old

If I could describe Veda in one word, it would be "happy." She's an amazingly joyful little girl. She loves to learn and discover things about the world around her. She loves to draw and paint and build things. She loves to tell stories and make up elaborate, funny daydreams (often involving pickles and/or grapes). She loves to run and roll and jump. She loves to EAT and eat and eat. (hee hee!)

This morning when she woke up and came into our bed for a snuggle, she was all smiles. She knew she was four. We told her her birth story again. We told her all the things we love about her. We held her and marveled at how tiny she once was and how long she is now. We told her we love her.

Happy birthday to my little girl.


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