Sometimes I lose focus. I have so many differentareas of life that I am trying to improve or change or create...I get lost in one and push the others to the side without my notice. I am trying to figure out how to best keep everything straight. I seem to have to write everything down in order to remember. So, is it one big book that has different sections or is it a few different books? It will all fall into place eventually, I just need to keep looking ahead.

I asked my brother to be my maid of honor. He has been my closest friend since I can remember and he's always been there. (I guess family has to be.) So he was logical choice. He said that he was flattered and would be honored to do it. It was a nice moment.

I saw the movie Daddy Daycare last night. And for what it was, I loved it. I laughed so loud I think I embarrassed my volunteer sister. But I thought it was great. It reminded me to play. To not be all about business all the time. What fun is that? Plus, you need play to stay creative. Today I'd like to just sit around and color or make a puppet stage, but of course I can't. There are things that need to happen. So, I wonder how I can fit some play time into my responsibilities.

I'll think on that one.


