Animation is very intriguing to me. I don'tunderstand how it works, and I don't really want to. I like to just think of it as magic, not something I need to learn about or figure out.

I saw Finding Nemo last night at the dollar theater. Oooo and I loved it. It made me laugh. It brought tears to my eyes (yes, I'm that dork sitting in the kid's movie crying messily). I thought the story was great and the voice talent was even greater. If you haven't seen it yet, I recommend it highly.

I'm working on a couple of big projects right now that have been consuming my mind. I dream about them. I think about them while I brush my teeth and while I stumble through my days. I keep coming up with better ideas that push me into other ideas for other projects. It's nice to know that my brain can keep itself so busy. I just wonder when I'll find the time to do it all.


