I'm in a funk. Poo. Okay. I was just going to post that... and I did. Then I rethought. If I am in a funk, I need to do something about it. And that's exactly what I'll do. Watch this:

10 Things to Celebrate today. (Thanks Katrina)

1. I have started on my super secret surprise for you. (to be launched December 1st)

2. I got two mailers ready to send out today. I just need to address them, smack them some postage and kiss them goodbye.

3. I didn't kill myself with the knife that flew out of the knifeblock this morning when I was reaching for a mug.

4. New music from Outkast.

5. I meet with yet another wedding photographer tonight. But this one is special because he's got a German accent. I hope I understand him.

6. Getting my hiney to the gym last night even if I left early. (Something is better than nothing...)

7. A new friend I met via email is thinking of going out on her own at the end of the year. And she's wonderful at encouraging me.

8. I went to the art store (LOVE the art store) and bought 3 new paper pads, a new paint brush and sniffed some clay displays.

9. That "in love" feeling. I could sink to the bottom of the ocean and still be okay.

10. My children's book idea has fully formed and I started to write it. I'm liking it so far.

Okay, then. I feel better already. No more Funky McFunkFunk today, missy!


