My work desk is nearly empty now. I have afew pens and pencils and my datebook out, but that's about it. I have been archiving all my files from the agency. Putting everything I think I may need on disk, probably to never look at again. It will probably become a box of stuff that I tug along through moves and then finally get rid of one fine day when there's a particularly calling bon fire. Probably.

And strangely, I feel sad. I thought the sheer excitement and possibility of what I will soon do would overshadow every other emotion. But it doesn't. I'm sad to leave my friends here. I'm sad that soon I won't get to throw fits about some ridiculous client changes. I'm sad that I won't get to get funny emails about nonsense all day long. I'll miss it.

I keep thinking that when I settle into my new life, that I'll grow accustomed to it and love it even more. And I know that I'll still be able to see my friends and hang out. But it will change. And change is always a bit scary and a little sad.

I just wasn't expecting this.


