Goofball Jones That's what my mom used to call me when I was small. Goofball Jones. I liked to wear different colored socks on each foot. I wore a purple skirt when denim was the thing. I don't know why. I just did.

Things haven't changed much. Last night we went to get a new pair of sunglasses for me (use up that vision insurance we paid for). I went with every intention of getting a nice, solid, reasonable pair. I tried on every pair in the store. Big ones, little ones, brown ones, black ones. And I was about to go with a sensible rimless kind like my sister-in-law has (she is really stylish), and then, this pair caught my eye. Really big, gaudy, plastic orange ones. Ooh! I had to have them. So, I thew back the little, stylish pair and got the el-dorko ones instead. Why not?


On the news side of things: A while ago, I got an email from a lovely woman named Hatice who has a Turkish cooking blog. She asked me to do a masthead/logo for the site. Actually I did three so far (she changes them out each season). She now has adorable aprons for sale with one of the logos on it. (Well, I think they are for sale...I can't read Turkish). Anyway, check it out. There's an English version there, too if you'd like to try out some authentic Turkish dishes.


