I went kayaking on the river this weekend. The water was icy-cold, but you got used to it after your muscles warmed up from the paddling movement. There were lots of obstacles to navigate through. Shallow water. Strong currents. Fallen trees. The fallen trees were the most challenging and my favorite. Seeing them in the distance you wouldn't see any way to get through them. But when you got closer there was always some way to get by. Either a tiny little opening to hold your breath and duck under or a low part where you'd balance on the log and then hoist the kayak over, then plop back into it, hoping not to tip. It took tactical thinking and artful maneuvering. It was great. It also got me to thinking about my life. There are tons of obstacles and hardships to pass through and lots of times there seems like there's no way. Then something happens or makes itself known to you, and you get by...even if it takes a lot of effort. There's always a way. And that comforted me...even more than the peaceful river setting.


Don't forget the Costume Contest. I'm getting some good submissions now. But I think we should move the deadline date to after Halloween...say November 2nd. That way the procrastinators (like me) can have more time. Or you can snap a shot of your actual costume on Halloween night and enter that. Bwa-ha-ha!




Costume Contest 2004