ILLUSTRATION FRIDAY LAUNCH! Ta Da! Illustration Friday is here! I'm really excited about it because it's so much more than what I could offer here on my site.

It's so easy to use thanks to the very wonderful Brianna who coded the entire thing and was so patient with my many requests. HUGE THANKS TO BRIANNA!

A few site features:

- There is a links bar with all the participants' links visible throughout the entire site.

- Thought of a good topic suggestion? There's a easy form to fill out to deliver it straight to me.

- You can sign up for the email notifications to have the week's topic delivered directly to your inbox.

- There are two buttons to choose from to put on your site, linking back to Illustration Friday.

- There is an easy way to donate to Illustration Friday if you'd like to show your support. It's through paypal, so you can donate as little or as much as you'd like (thank you very much!).

- And one of my favorite features: The Art Forum. This is a new online discussion forum meant to help create a creative community. You can get feedback, ask questions, or just chat about anything creative there. Read more about it on the "about" page. And then go introduce yourself. :-)

Okay, so go check it out! Seriously, before my excited little head explodes. The new topic for this week is posted there already, just a-waitin' for ya.


One more thing to note: See that red button on the left that says "Holiday Gift Tags"? Click it. I did up some free holiday tags for you to use on your gifts this year, if you'd like. I'm planning on using them on mine.

Hooray for Illustration Friday!


