I have started a new routine for myself in an attempt (wait, that sounds like I'm setting myself up for failure)...a new effort to help me have some balance in my life (you all probably already know that I am a workaholic). Every morning after Colin leaves for work, I strap on my running shoes, put the leash on Vince, and go for a 30 minute run/walk. I'm amazed at what this has done for my personal well-being as well as my work. After my run I feel like I've already accomplished something for the day. The pressure is off. And I feel more free to create. In the past I have wanted to run everyday...so all day long as I'm working I'm thinking about it: "When will I run?", "It's getting too hot.", "I can't stop this illustration right now."...a million excuses came up and I couldn't put down my work to fit it in. Therefore, no run. But I found that if I do it right away in the morning, I have no chance to miss it.

This routine also forces me to get dressed...I'm prone to working in my pajamas until right before Colin gets home (so I don't look like a slacker). hee.

It feels really good to get out while the morning is still cool. The sun has that special morning light going on that helps you wake up. And there is still dew on the grass. Being out there in it is meditative to me. I sort out my cares, prioritize what I need to do when I get back, and have time to think just for myself. Plus it doesn't hurt to feel stronger and more athletic...

This is definitely a good thing.


