My healthcare is worth fighting for - free postcard download


Friends! Like many of you, I'm alarmed and pretty outraged about the proposed replacement for the Affordable Care Act.

Leaving 24 million people uninsured and drastically raising costs for older people and those with pre-existing conditions (I know lots of these folks!) while providing tax breaks for the wealthy isn't just a bad idea; it's wrong. 

I created these postcards you can use to reach out to your legislators, urging them to fight for a better solution. Mine is already addressed to Senator Joe Donnelly, who I believe will stand with us, but I wanted to make my voice heard. I urge you to do the same! 

If you need a script, is super helpful. Just type in your zip code, find the issue and use the script they supply. Here's what I wrote. Feel free to use it:

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I, Penelope Dullaghan, from Indianapolis, IN am outraged that the House Representatives rammed the AHCA through without without review or consideration for the majority of Americans. THE PEOPLE want the Affordable Care Act to be improved, not replaced. I urge you to vote against it in the Senate.

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Download the PDF Postcard here. Print it out and mail it now!


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