Crocodiles Need Kisses Too - spreading love with kind actions

In these few days leading up to Valentine's Day, I thought it'd be fun to share some of the sweetness from my book "Crocodiles Needs Kisses Too"!

I know Valentine’s Day can be a mixed bag for people - there’s a whole spectrum of feelings about it, to say the least. But I think if we can manage to set aside our personal views of it and just share a little bit of kindness with the people around us in any way - it’s a good day in my book. 🥰

So wave to your elderly neighbor. Smile at the tired grocery store clerk. Hold a door for the next distracted mom. It all adds up to more love shared.

(p.s. “Crocodiles Need Kisses Too” is written by Rebecca Colby and published by Viking Books.) You can purchase a copy from an independent bookstore here, from amazon here, or shop your local community store (most stores are happy to order a copy for you)!


Snakes need love too!


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