beautiful 2009 july - december

july july_1 afternoons under the shade tree at the "beach".

july_2 endlessly vacuuming so veda would sleep.

july_3 picnics in the park.


aug_1 veda getting to be more fun... learning to crawl.

aug_3 getting together for frogmore stew at a friend's house.

aug_4 in love with these hazy summer days.


sept_1 lattes and dancing on the cafe porch.

sept_2 I got a bike for my birthday. veda liked the back seat. :)

sept_4 Colin holds us all up. Quite literally.

sept_8 gathering the last of the produce from the garden at my mom's house.

sept_9 the zoo!


oct_1 attending swimming lessons. we were in the "shrimp" class.

oct_2 family and friends together for a baby shower for my new nephew Elijah.

oct_3 apple picking at the orchard 30 minutes away.


nov_1 glittery leaves on the front steps.

nov_3 playing outside... it was a mild november.

nov_6 spending the last few warm-ish days at the playground.


dec_1 my brother got married last weekend to beautiful niki. (welcome to the family niki!) it was a very small ceremony and celebration... perfect.

dec_3 veda opened her first christmas present from grandma and grandpa because they were in town for the wedding.

dec_4 waiting for a white christmas...


a white christmas


beautiful 2009 january - june