hello to 31

This weekend I celebrated my 31st birthday. I spent the day bummin' with Colin at Ten Thousand Villages. (Bummin' is my family's word for "window shopping"). Driving through the country. Babysitting for my niece. Taking a long walk with a stop for ice cream. Going out for dinner in the evening. And watching a movie. As the day ended I felt content and peaceful. Such a nice thing.

During the weekend I also spent my birthday money from my mother-in-law (thank you!!) at a farm-supply store called Big R. (I heart Big R!) I got super warm purple snow boots (I'm trying to embrace the inevitable cold this coming winter), rain gear for Squam (it's supposed to rain for my Travel Journal class), and a warm red vest for sitting fireside. So I'm totally weather-proof now. :)

Speaking of Squam... on Saturday the 13th is the Squam Art Fair. It's the final event that is open to the public where people can hang out in Sandwich, NH and visit galleries, shops and restaurants. If you're around the area, pop by and say hi! More info here.

(Oh, and that's my 17 week belly in the second pic. The doc says I'm measuring a little big... that I may be further along than what I think. hmm...)




general update