homemade sauerkraut

If you've only had store-bought sauerkraut (the gross ex-cabbage substance in the jar), you're missing out. The real homemade stuff is completely different. First of all, it's still recognizable as cabbage, so that alone is a step up. But homemade sauerkraut is so, so delicious and so good for you! I am no nutrition expert (I only know what I read and research for my own family), but I've found that it's full of nutrients and phytochemicals and is a good source of probiotics ("good" gut bacteria) as well. It's a fermented food that helps to make other food more digestible and the nutrients in them more bioavailable - which means you absorb more goodness from the rest of the food you eat. There's a ton of emerging research and information out there right now about this, including this article from the NY Times. I find it all super fascinating. But the most fascinating thing to me is how easy it is to make homemade sauerkraut. It's 4 ingredients dumped into a bowl, mushed up and pushed down into a jar. That's it.

My go-to recipe is from the Nourishing Traditions (affiliate link) cookbook because it's always turned out yummy - even my five year old loves it. I just made another batch yesterday and thought it'd be fun to illustrate the recipe and share it here. (And I'm waiting on client feedback for my other work, so I had a minute to spare.) So here's that:


(If you don't have Whey, you can just add an extra tablespoon of salt. Maybe I'll do a future post about how to make whey at home, too. Also easy.)

And here's a quick snapshot of how it turns out in the jar (the recipe calls for one quart-sized jar, but I used two smaller jars because that's what I had on hand). I also find pictures helpful for knowing what it's "supposed" to look like. Maybe that's also true for you. :)

Processed with VSCOcam with f2 preset

Anyway, I hope you'll print out the recipe above (if you click on it, you can see it bigger) and try it in your kitchen! Let me know what you think.


life starts all over

