Interview with Leonie - "Making Space for your Goddess to Shine" ecourse

A super quick and fun interview with Leonie about her upcoming e-course: "Making Space for Your Goddess to Shine”. This is a six week e-course on divine decluttering & magical space clearing created by professional organiser & simplifier Lisa Baldwin & goddess guide & teacher Leonie Allan. - Hi miss Leonie, first question: I understand what you mean by decluttering, but what do you mean by "magical space clearing"? Can you explain a little?

First: I heart your questions. And you. And your adorable family. But I could totally write paragraphs about that, when I’m really supposed to be answering the question. hee hee hee! So yes! I teamed up with a professional organiser + simplifier lovely so we could combine superpowers. She’s amazing at helping people create homes and lives that are easy, simple and kind for them to live in. And my superpower is helping people change the energy of their home to make it sparkling and shining. Because we all deserve sparkling, easy, shining spaces that support us to shine and live joyfully too you know?

So magical space clearing is using some really beautiful methods to shift out any negative or stuck energies and bringing in beautiful new energies. Woo!

- What sorts of things can we look forward to with this course?

Lots of gorgeousness abound! During the course, we will:

* Take inventory of the physical & unseen clutter in your home, space and life * De-clutter easily & gently - and dare we even say - divinely? * Use feng shui to create your dreams * Clear negative or stuck energies out of your home * Learn how to use crystals, herbs, smudging and sound-clearing to make your space shine * Create a soulful altar as a place of inspiration, connection & peace * Learn how to organise in a super-simple, “oh my goddess, it’s actually possible” kind of way * Develop and trust your intuition * Energise and cleanse your home so it is sparkling, shining and supports you! - You're partnering up with Lisa Baldwin, professional declutterer and home simplifier... have you worked with her before?

I have indeedy - I was her client and she was my decluttery guru! Earlier this year I was feeling so stuck in all my clutter and stuff in my home... so I did a course with her and LOVED it so much. So we decided to set up her decluttering & simplifying course on a blind date with my magical space clearing course. And they fell in love and started making babies, so we now have superpower 2-for-1 house amazingness course! We like to call it: when simplifying and shininess fall in love.


I love love stories.

Even when they are about e-courses falling in love! hee hee hee :)

- Decluttering and going through all my stuff (paperwork, clothes, random knicknacks) seems overwhelming just to think about. Are you sure it's possible to create a zen den in 6 weeks?

Dooooood. I know. Been there. Especially for us creative types with our pack-rattish abilities to hoard creative trinkets and materials. hee hee hee!

I was in the exact same place before I did one of Lisa’s courses.

And for me it was the act of being gently guided and supported through the process - and to see that it wasn't just about decluttering because I thought I *should*. It was about creating a space that utterly supported me, and felt like my energy.

If your energy is that you need a zen den to support you, we'll work with you to create that. If your energy wants more space, and also needs for things to be comfy and a little bit ruffled, that's what we'll create. We'll be helping you find the right way for your space to be for you - both practically and soulfully.

- What about people who are already neat freaks and orderly. Can the course help them?

The Making Space for your Goddess to Shine e-course is about much more than just making your home clean. It’s about making it a space that sustains, nourishes, supports and inspires you. You’ll learn a whole new toolbelt of techniques to make your home a soulful, supportive place of energy for you. I'll be teaching you practical, sacred ways to make your home's energy shine, and you'll also be working with one of my meditation MP3s during the course's journey. This course is all about making the space clear and sparkling, ready to support and inspire the goddess in you to shine.

- How is this different from the other books/courses/readings on decluttering? Haven't we all heard it all before?

1. You get totally supported in the process. It's easy to read a book and then feel overwhelmed and not actually do anything (*cough* Leonie *cough*). So we'll be giving you the loving support and guidance you need to make this a spirited journey for you.

2. You're getting two courses for the price of one. Like weeee! Lisa's amazing course will be guiding you through simplifying and decluttering divinely. I'll be teaching you the spirited tools to make the energy in your home utterly sparkle and shine. Together, it will be one hecka powerful journey, transforming and inspiring both your energy, and your lovely place's energy. We likes that.

3. What decluttering course gives you an amazing long meditation mp3 to work with? You'll see your beautiful energy and your home's beautiful energy in a whole new way.

4. This isn't just about decluttering. This is big work. It's the sacred journey of Making Space for your Goddess to Shine.

5. Have I mentioned you'll be totally supported, cheerleaded, guided and loved the whole way?


Thank you for answering all these questions, Leonie! I am really looking forward to this ecourse... Ever since my move back north, I've been feeling kind of stuck and I hope this is exactly what I need to make my home and environment more soulful... more comfortable... and more me. :)

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ Making Space for your Goddess to Shine - a magical space-clearing & divine decluttering e-course: begins June 15. Check out for more info and to sign up.


the current of life


thinking out loud... (so to speak)