Mental Illness

mental illness, illustration by penelope dullaghan

I did this illustration for Illustrated Impact - a month-long giving campaign that brings awareness to organizations doing good in the world. I chose to highlight The National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI) because I think it’d be hard to find one of us who doesn’t know someone dealing with a mental health condition… depression, anxiety, bipolar disorder, PTSD to name a few. Sometimes it's hard to know how to help or even where to begin looking for resources. And NAMI provides a beacon in this darkness. I wanted to do an illustration that spoke to the overwhelming feeling of helplessness, but offered a bit of hope that support is there.

Visit to donate (got $5?) or tell your own story to support millions of people who face mental illness every day.

A huge thank you to Illustrated Impact for doing this campaign this month. You are a light!


Six Ways to Survive the Holidays


Happy Thanksgiving!