new postcard promo

postcard2007.jpg Yeah, I'm just going to blog all day because you know why... I DON'T FEEL LIKE WORKING! Ha! Procrastination cha cha cha. (okay, I feel a little bad. stop looking at me.)

In the mail today I got samples of my new postcards going out to art directors and designers and people with my future in their hands. I think they turned out great. I tried to do an all warm-colors tri-mailer because we're going into cool fall and I think people could use a warm-up. (And maybe they'll actually stand out from the zillions of other promos sliding across their desks)! For the backs, I thought it'd be coolio to show the sketch that I worked from for the final... to show ADs how closely I stick to what they approve in sketch phase. I think it's working. We'll see if I get any new biz from them. (fingers crossed!)

Oh, and Noah was more than willing to help me photograph these. I must have slid him out of the way 10 times before finally giving up. Do you think he has a career in modeling? He's persistent enough.

rock on monday.



fire fire cha cha cha


a fill day