New Work: The University of Baltimore - Banner Campaign

This is a really fun project I finished up recently. I worked with the University of Baltimore on their ongoing campaign for their campus — a campaign that draws a lot of excitement throughout the student body, city and the media. Their tagline is "Knowledge That Works"— and it's a series of banners and posters done by artists to inspire students and those passing campus. Some of the illustrators they’ve worked with in the past include Milton Glaser, Gail Anderson, Heads of State, Paula Scher and Seymour Chwast. (Wow, right?!) Needless to say, I was floored and honored when they asked me to contribute. I got the idea for this illustration right away. I knew I wanted to do a playful image that gave a nod to the possibilities that open up with knowledge and education. Fish swimming outside their bowl seemed just the thing... Here's how it turned out:

I love this piece (a new palette for me!) and the creative director, Gabrielle Boam, was very pleased too. It's up on campus right now. Hopefully I'll get a picture to share here soon. In any case, I do hope it inspires those who see it! :)


still around here somewhere


New Work: 37th Humana Festival of New American Plays