New Work: Tiffany Meyers, Flowers and Fireworks

I'm really excited to share this new piece with you. It was done for my friend Tiffany Meyers, who interviewed me for Communication Arts in 2010. She is a ridiculously talented writer and was starting a new website to house her extensive copywriting and journalism portfolio work. When she knocked on my door asking me to do the main illustration, I was floored! (The girl has interviewed and knows a lot of great artists!) The idea behind her site is Flowers + Fireworks, a tribute to Ray Bradbury who wrote Fahrenheit 451. To quote Tiffany: "As a concept, Flowers + Fireworks represents texture. And range. It represents the white-knuckled thrill of life. The catastrophe, the party. The biology and chemistry."

So my illustration, humbly, tried to capture that idea. Visit her newly launched site to see how it's a simple flat image, and when you roll over it, you can see further detail and depth. A crawling beetle, barbed wire, the sparks of fireworks. Together we named the illustration "Pores". Her writing gets close. It looks at the larger view and then digs all the way down to the pores.

Here are some close ups of the final piece:


New work: The Princess and the Pea


Illustration for Tiffany Meyers