painting poo.

My Sacred Life: Day 12

Yesterday rushed by and I ran out of time to finish my work. So last night I stayed up and painted into the night. Only to paint the biggest piece o' poo I've ever seen.

So in a fit of anger, I shredded it and slammed it in the trash. And then stormed off to bed, pulled the covers over my head and cursed myself to sleep. Rackin' frackin' art. I suck. I've been fooling everyone that I can do this. I suck. I suck. I suck.

Lovely night.

So how does this relate to my sacred life? where is my moment of grace?

The moment of grace is this: This morning I get to START OVER.

A redo. Apple Z. Game on.

I feel just a little better this morning. It's a new day. And I realize that it's only one day in many. This too shall pass. (and also... not every piece has to go to the portfolio. Not every piece is beautiful... and that is totally OKAY.)

So now I have to go work (it's due in a few hours). Fingers crossed that I don't suck today. :)


a peaceful thanksgiving


My Sacred Life -- Ten Things List