self-assignment #2 results

I finally found an hour to do self-assignment #2... the black and white shapes assignment. At first it was kind of intimidating. After I had inked my paper and cut it up into different shapes (I went with all angles, no soft edges), I sat there looking at the shapes and felt some hesitation to start. (I was thinking too much of the outcome. Hello?! That's the point of the assignment: to have fun and not think about the finish.) So I picked up a random piece and ran across it with my glue stick and plunked it down. Then I just added to it until it felt done. Then I did two more because I had extra pieces left. One turned out to look like an asterisk, which I liked for some reason. Maybe it's the idea that it should be set aside and referenced for future creative blocks.

Anyway, here are the results: selfassignmentsbw1.jpg selfassignmentsbw2.jpg selfassignmentsbw3.jpg

One other person did the assigment with me (hope you liked it too!). Check out hers here.

Next up is self-assignment #3... which I'll post here in a little while.


assignment #3: document your average day

