set sail

sailboat.jpg I am procrastinating right now. Very much so. The truth is that I am scared. I'm scared of this new thing I've been asked to do... it's uncharted territory for me and I feel butterflies in my stomach when I think about it... I've been asked to propose a book about creativity. (!) A publisher emailed a few months ago and said she liked the tone in my blog and asked if I would submit a formal book proposal. And I thought it would be a fun experience and maybe a chance put some inspiration out there in a different way. But I wasn't prepared for this fearful feeling. I can usually just jump right in and let my instincts take me where I need to be.

One of my favorite quotes is: "A ship in the harbor is safe, but that's not what ships were built for."

And now it seems I've been asked to leave my harbor. (I find it ironic that at one time I opted to leave the safe harbor of steady job to pursue illustration full time... and now I'm comfortable here and illustration is my new harbor.) Always pushing our limits... that's what makes us grow, right?

It's just daunting to pinpoint what I have to say. To narrow it down into one thing... something tangible. What is inside of me that I can put down on paper permanently? And who will be interested? What would I want to read a book about? It seems like such a big task... can I do this?

For this blog, I kind of just write what's on my mind... as it comes to my mind. Like a one-sided chit chat (well, comments help it be more two-sided). I talk about my struggles, my celebrations, my work and creativity boosting things I do (and a lot about balance). But does that translate into a book? I am not sure...

I guess the best thing to do is to pull my anchor, stop procrastinating and just set sail. Maybe a wind will pick up and take me where I need to be. And maybe it won't. I've failed before, I can fail again. It's just another learning experience... But I'll never know if I don't try, right?

Pulling anchor now...


SKIRT! 24/7 Feature


Illustration Friday: Green