ten good things

1. my favorite shoes. they are so ugly. hideously purple. i got them at the grocery for $2. but i wear them most.

2. hanging laundry on the line. there is something about this simple task that calms me.

3. reading elsa beskow books with veda. we both love them.

4. lollipops that are good for your teeth. seriously. our dentist recommended them.

5. looking forward to my thai massage level one training in chicago coming up. (and staying in a hostel for the first time!)

6. feeling like i'm really practicing all the learning i've been doing.

7. netflix tv shows at night to unwind.

8. gigantic salads with all the fixings for lunch.

9. tending my garden. i enjoy it more than i'd hoped i would. makes me feel strong and capable.

10. recognizing and honoring when i need to shut down all electronic "intake" and just do my own thing. enough thinking/researching/reading. more doing/doing/doing. seeing what happens if you just freaking go for it.




New Work: Washington Post