Wish*full Virtual Retreat - Teaser!

wishfull logo small Hi there!

I wanted to give you a heads up about the Wish*full Virtual Art Retreat that is now open for early registration... This retreat is taking place in the spring of 2010 -- April 30th to May 2nd.

From the Wishstudio website:

"you are invited to join us for a one of a kind, special online event… 3 days of art, creativity, and connecting with like minded souls, right from the comfort of your own home! for an entire weekend you will be immersed in creative exploration through an exciting variety of engaging workshops brought to you by 14 amazing artists and teachers..."

I am going to be teaching on Friday April 30th... And leading a little yoga break on Saturday as well. Classes and workshop details will be unveiled in the wishstudio by december 21st! So stay tuned! Should be so fun! :)


beautiful 2009 january - june

