
Yesterday, Lucy transitioned into the great beyond. She’d been ready for a while, I think. We just had to catch up. A vet provided the service at our home so the process would be as comfortable as possible for her. Veda decided to say goodbye on her own and didn’t want to be there when it happened, so I took her and Libby (our little high-energy dog) out for a cloudy October walk while Colin stayed back to attend to Lucy.

Colin said it was really peaceful. The vet gave Lucy an initial shot to calm her, and he saw all her pain melt away. She stopped shaking and just relaxed into her body, and for first time in a long while she looked comfortable. Then a second shot was administered and she was gone. Colin held her gaze and she knew she was loved.

I’m really glad we could give her that kind of send off. Relaxed and peaceful. No pain. No prolonged suffering.

She was a lucky dog. We had her for eight years and she was well-loved, cared for and cherished.

I haven’t really cried yet. Veda and Colin have, and I’m happy they had that emotional release. As for me, I’ve just been feeling a sense of ok-ness with it all. It feels like a natural part of things, this cycle of energy. A defined wave of a certain shape and size becoming part of the vast ocean again. 

I will definitely miss her, but I’m just grateful we had so much good time with her. Glad our waves traveled together for just a little while.

Last night, Colin, Veda and I lit a candle and told stories about Lucy. Remembering when we first got her. How scared she was. She growled at the kids and was very afraid of most people. But she grew in confidence as we loved her through her fear. We let her know we were here for all of it and she was a loved member of our family. And eventually she eased into that fact and became loving herself. She let her guard down and leaned into the family that loved her.

She was a really good dog. A sweet girl with pretty, white eyelashes and a pink nose. An athlete in her prime, and a slow, sweet old girl in her later years. 

We will miss her.

Rest In Peace, Luce Goose


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Holistic Ayurveda Coach Graduate!