i tried to keep this post brief...

down for the count getting back to normal... or at least trying to. Sometimes I feel like taking time away for a week is more hassle than it's worth, because when you come home, you have so much to catch up on -- email, projects, house cleaning, dead flowers, unpacking, etc. It's seems you work twice as hard as before you left. hee.

Anyway, I was in the thick of it this morning, so if anyone read the blasé post that was up for 5 seconds (then deleted) -- I'm sorry. I'm feeling more centered now. This afternoon I took time to walk by the river and breathe. And the new cds I ordered finally arrived, so it was good timing for a present to myself.

Last week was really good. Not the picture-perfect week of relaxation the way I'd planned, but good nonetheless. I hung out with my mom and family, and I always love that. They make me laugh down to my toes.

And I had lunch with a high school friend who I've not seen in a very very long time (and I was nervous). But she was the same core person and it was so nice to catch up and talk with her. She's always had this amazing outlook that is so stable and grounded. I admire that about her. It was a good thing to experience the day before my show (because I was jittery).

The show was good. Not awkward or uncomfortable, like they sometimes can be. I didn't hide in the bathroom at any point, and I actually felt like I did a good job with talking to everyone (not always easy for me). I was hoarse at the end of the night. I sold two paintings opening night, which isn't the stellar number I was secretly hoping for, but hey, it's okay. I think I was crippled because I showed in gallery #2, and gallery #1 is where the sales seem to happen more.

The yoga thing ended up rocking socks. A few days before the show I had tea with the woman organizing it, and man... she was so wonderful. It felt like I knew her already somehow -- we really connected. Made me wish I lived in the same city as her.

And the rest was a big rush of friends and family, hugs and tears, talking and playing... and it left me very exhausted.

(I also caught some kind of bug and feel a little weird. Tummy upset and feel water-logged in my chest. That seems to be adding to this feeling of sleepy-tenderness that I have.)

Anyway, so that's the scoop. Sorry I haven't written earlier. I wanted to, but have been in a weird space. I missed you though...

(a few pics on my flickr page... not too many though as I forgot to remove my camera from my bad at the opening (doh!) and I'm sure you don't care to see all the shots of open Indiana fields I took.) :)

peace out




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