new website for the husband

lopeacodin1.jpg The entire weekend was spent creating a new website for Colin (sketch phase Friday night, final coding finished this morning)... Posting all the great work he's done lately and trying to keep in mind all those web tips that I talked about a few posts down. (So in that light, we decided not to do a typical bio for him, but instead show one of his short videos (to be rotated out frequently). He's an insanely curious person and constantly finding interesting things and recording them... so we thought that would represent him well, along with some of his photos and fun little facts hidden all over the site... can you find them?!)

Anyway, I'm wiped. But if you find any bugs, please let me know... I'm trying to work all of them out as quickly as I can.

Also, if you know of anyone who needs a freelance writer... I may know of someone. :)

Another high five!


authenticity. missed opportunity. and a happy 4th.


solo show, work #3